Shipping Consultancy
Our company have for years achieved a wide range consultancy services and have been working with projects related to marine operations for the oil & gas and shipping industry. See what we offer down below.
Technical Consultant
Seaflex has been active as technical consultants and have so far been involved in the following tasks:
- Reconstruction of rig and crane handling vessels which included
- Reconstruction of spud pole arrangement
- Reconstruction of winch system
- Evaluation of the vessel technical operational conditions

Conversion of bitumen carrier incl. CAP and special survey
- Supervised and coordinated conversion of bitumen carrier to fulfil double hull regulation
- Preparation of drawings and other documentation for class approval
- In cooperation with classification body we carried out a condition assessment programme (CAP) for vessel hull, deck equipment, pump and machinery areas incl. UMS certification.
- Coordination of all requested repairs, steel renewals and overhaul for engines, pumps, electrical motors to comply with classification requests for special survey.
Ordinary dockings
- Have been in charge of docking dry cargo vessels, tanker vessels and special rig/crane vessels
- Issuing of docking specification
- Been negotiating scope of work, prices and time for repairs on a daily basis
- Coordination with classification body to avoid any delay in issuance of approvals and certificates

ISM Audits
- On behalf of various owners carried out internal audits
- Evaluation if the vessels ISM system
- After each audit evaluate all observations and non conformance notes (NCN) with the officers or responsible person for each observation to give a better understanding of the requested task
Vetting and prevetting
- Carried out prevetting in order to prepare the vessels for oil company vetting
- Evaluated the systems and the equipment on board including giving our recommendations in order to meet requirements of the oil company
- Been present onboard during the oil company vetting to assist the master and officers