Besides having a well qualified crew operating a well maintained vessel it is crucial that the vessel is operated in conformity with the dynamic requirements of the various oil companies.
We are please to offer a full co-ordination of the vettings which include:
- Co-ordination of the vetting inspections
- Communication with the oil companies
- Pre-vetting inspection followed by recommendations to owners
- Attend vetting inspections and assist the crew
- Evaluation of the inspection reports
- Word owners comments to the oil companies and make recommendations
- Compile ship and fleet statistics
- Keep track of future developments in requirements from the oil companies.
The system is web-based which allows each owner/operator by means of login/password to get access to all information of their fleet and individual vessel such as last inspection, statistics etc.

IT Solutions
To meet the ever increasing demands for better control of the daily operations ie. maintenance systems, stock and purchase systems, documents etc. We have by means of electronical systems developed the administrative tools needed for optomizing the daily operation and management.
The administative requirements onboard a modern vessel of today compared with the crew available onboard the vessels does not always correspond. It has therefore been one of our priorities to provide these facilitaties which makes it possible for the crew to fulfil the normal tasks at a minimum time without compromising safety etc.
Our systems of today includes:
1. PMS based on access.
2. Stock & Purchase system based on access.
3. Vetting management web based.
4. ISM/ISPS based on word HTML versions.